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            Welcome to Private Primary School, Dneperská 1, 040 01 Košice



            Principal: Mgr. Peter Ferenčák

            Vice-principal for the lower elementary programme: Mgr. Sandra Mrázová

            Vice-principal for the upper elementary programme: Mgr. Júlia Kydonová – statutary vice-principal

            Vice-principal for the upper elementary programme: Ing. Jana Mesarčová


            Founder:  Dobrá škola, n. o. (as a legal entity)

            Headmaster: RNDr. Dušan Bosák (as a natural person)
            email contact: gymbosak@gymbosak.sk

            Career Advisor : Mgr. Jana Gičová 

            Special Education Teacher: Mgr. Zuzana Hamzová, PhD.

            School Club Headteacher:  Mgr. Monika Pachingerová        


            Dneperská Private Primary School was founded on 1st September 2004 and currently it is the largest private primary school in Slovakia. The school is located in beautiful surrroundings, in the Košice – Nad Jazerom housing estate, near the lake and close to nature, which offers many opportunities for the healthy development of younger generations.

            The school provides a balanced primary  education in a stimulating, safe environment where children can maximise their talents, skills, and abilities, improve their achievements, and feel safe, happy, and confident in a friendly and caring community.

            The school is committed to fostering a positive learning environment and a communicative atmosphere in which each child can develop as an individual: intellectually, socially, morally, emotionally, and physically. Modern and innovative methods, experiential learning and the development of IT and language skills are at the forefront of the educational process at Dneperská Private Primary School.

            Cooperation between the school and the parents of the pupils is one of the stepping stones of education, as both play an active part in organising many of our activities and events.

            In the 2023/2024 school year, there 472 pupils in 24 classes enrolled in the school, providing  quality primary education.  The lower elementary programme consists of 12 classes and the upper elementary programe  consists of 12 classes.

            In the afternoons, the pupils attend the School Kids‘ Club, and they may choose to attend it in Slovak or English. In the 2023/2024 school year, there are 3 Slovak and 7 English School Clubs (altogether 10 school clubs), attended by 225 pupils.

            In addition, the school offers many extracurricular clubs developing the athletic abilities of pupils, e.g., table tenis or ball games. There are also IT clubs, the Fashion Lab, the LEGO Club and many others.

            Also, pupils can attend the unique English Teens Club to broaden their knowledge of English and practise their communicative skills.

            In the 2023/2024 school year, the staff includes 56 qualified teachers (teachers, school club workers, teacher´s assistants) who teach subjects according to the school curriculum, including foreign languages: English, German and Russian. The pupils learn English from the 1st year of their studies and they start with the second foreign language in the 7th class.

            The school has well-equipped classrooms, a Physics lab, a Chemistry lab, a Biology room, Art and Music rooms, IT rooms, two gymnasiums, a fitness centre, interactive rooms, basketball and football pitches, and a recreation room.  It also has a Slovak School Library, an English School Library, a school canteen and a snack shop.

            The school organises a wide range of activities, events, competitions, and projects, and has achieved excellent results in education. The pupils learn not only in the classrooms but also during excursions, workshops, outdoor activities, competitions, the Drama Club, etc.

            Thanks to the dedicated work of teachers and their innovative methods of teaching, the graduates are very successful in their further secondary education. The school is open to new challenges and ways to improve the educational process and establish cooperation with partner schools abroad.

            How are we different?

            We believe that primary education is one of the most important foundations of each person’s education. Our school provides children with stable roots but also gives them wings to fly. Roots give children a stable, safe and solid foundation, while wings enable them to be creative and flexible in a constantly changing world.

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    • Kontakty

      • Súkromná základná škola, Dneperská 1, 04012 Košice
      • +421 55 674 48 38
        Školská jedáleň: +421 55 674 36 31
      • Dneperská 1, 040 12 Košice
      • číslo účtu na platbu školného: SK 22 1100 0000 0029 4703 2186
        Pre ľahšiu identifikáciu platby (školného alebo ŠKD) uvádzajte, prosíme, variabilný symbol (číslo zmluvy) počas celého štúdia žiaka na našej škole. Ďakujeme.

        platba ŠKD: SK19 7500 0000 0040 3034 8540
        školská jedáleň: SK58 7500 0000 0040 3035 2494
      • facebook.com/dneperska
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