Travelling with Edward
- 04.03.2023 22:04
- Cestovanie s Edwardom
Cestovanie s Edwardom
V stredu 22. februára 2023 nás Edward veľmi prekvapil. Na našom online stretnutí mal oblečené tričko, ktoré od nás dostal. Témou online stretnutia bolo cestovanie. Naši žiaci hravo zvládli všetky Edwardove úlohy. Názvy miest, štátov a kontinentov, ktoré sa začínali na vybrané písmeno abecedy ľahko vyhľadali.
Edward bol prekvapený, koľko štátov v USA naši žiaci poznajú. Dozvedeli sme sa, aká je zima v Mexiku, leto v Austrálii a žiaci znázorňovali, aké počasie je v jednotlivých ročných obdobiach v rôznych častiach zemegule. Edward hádal názvy krajín podľa vlajok, ktoré mu žiaci ukázali. Na záver online stretnutia sme určovali, pre ktoré krajiny sú typické jedlá sushi, taccos, pizza, špagety, hamburger a naše bryndzové halušky. Cestovanie s Edwardom bolo fajn!
Travelling with Edward
On Wednesday 22nd February 2023 during our online session with Edward, we were very surprised by Edward wearing the T-shirt which he had received from our school. The topic of the online session was “Travelling“. At the beginning our pupils were able to come up with various names of cities, countries , continents and American states starting with the same letter of the alphabet.
We talked about the seasons of the year in various parts of the world and played a game about the weather in different countries. Edward was trying to guess the names of the flags, our pupils had prepared. At the end of the online meeting our pupils and Edward were talking about food which is traditional in each country, e.g. sushi, taccos, pizza, spaghetti, hamburger and our traditional dumplings with sheep cheese. Travelling with Edward was much fun and our pupils were excellent!
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