A Pancake Party With Edward
- 25.01.2023 09:28
- Palacinková párty s Edwardom
Dňa 18. 1. 2023 sa uskutočnilo ďalšie online stretnutie žiakov s Edwardom na tému Jedlo. Na úvod sme prekvapili Edwarda narodeninovou piesňou Happy Birthday k narodeninám, ktoré oslávil nasledujúci deň. V anglickom školskom klube detí sme pripravili Palacinkovú párty, žiaci po anglicky vysvetlili Edwardovi postup prípravy palaciniek, ktoré pani učiteľka Monika Pachingerová v triede upiekla a žiakov palacinkami pohostila. Zahrali sme si palacinkovú hru, rozprávali sme sa o tom, ktoré jedlo majú žiaci radi a žiaci vypočuli si príbeh o hladnom hadovi, ktorý zjedol všetko, čo našiel a ochorel. Navzájom si zaželali dobrú chuť v slovenskom a anglickom jazyku. Tešíme sa na ďalšie stretnutie!
A Pancake Party With Edward
On January 18, 2023 our pupils had another wonderful chance to meet Edward online and discuss their food preferences. At the beginning of the session Edward was surprised by an online Pancake Party and pupils singing Happy Birthday because of his upcoming birthday. The pupils explained Edward how to make pancakes and our teacher Mrs. Monika Pachingerová was making pancakes during the session. Our pupils and teachers played a pancake game, tossing the paper pancake in the air and Edward counting. Later, using vocabulary cards they talked about food and listened to the story about the hungry snake which got sick due to the amount of food it had eaten. At the end of the session our pupils learned the phrase “Enjoy your meal“ and Edward said “Dobrú chuť“ in Slovak to them to start the Pancake party.
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